Halawa Seasoning
Do you prefer instant seasoning for various dishes? If so, are you aware that not all instant seasonings are seasonings? Yes, it’s no longer the flavor of natural spices obtained but only an artificial taste.
Halawa comes with superior products ranging from the broth, pepper powder, and seasoned flour. Halawa has a strong desire to present a variety of products to support the needs of the community kitchen. Different from most of the seasoning and flavoring products that circulated first, Halawa is a series of products made from natural spices. The combination of natural spices is combined with modern processing and packaging processes so that taste, quality, and cleanliness are ensured.
Halawa relies on natural ingredients to avoid a variety of synthetic ingredients, both dyes, flavor enhancers, and preservatives. Halawa does not use synthetic materials. With high-quality ingredients and genuinely original, the resulting flavor was special.

Halawa Seasoning Without Preservatives and Synthetic Dyes, The Real Healthy Choice
Synthetic preservatives and dyes are an almost inseparable part of daily life. Almost every food ingredient and seasoning has preservatives in their respective levels. How about just moving to pure Halawa without preservatives and coloring?
Food preserving is important because of its seasoning products in packaging. The easiest step is to use food preservatives in certain quantities. But it is not without risk. The accumulation of preservatives and dyes, coupled with daily living patterns that each person is not the same, and even tend to be less healthy, results in the danger of these preservatives later on.
Halawa seasoning products are processed with special technology to produce durable and long-lasting packaging seasoning, without the use of synthetic preservatives. The resulting color comes from natural ingredients and seasonings, free from synthetic dyes.
Halawa Products
Halawa has several product variants to accompany your daily kitchen needs. The following Halawa products are available:
Broth Seasoning

Halawa Broth seasoning is made from real beef and chicken processed with a variety of herbs and spices typical of the archipelago. As our commitment to producing halal and thayyib cooking spices, the meat as the main ingredient for this broth, we supervise the process very strictly.
Halawa Broth Seasoning is produced by boiling high-quality beef or chicken and maintaining its halal status since the slaughter process. Furthermore, these ingredients are mixed with spices and special spices. Then all materials enter the granulation process.
Pepper Powder

Halawa Pepper Powder is 100% pepper from a fertile and fresh pepper plantation. You will get pure pepper powder, not pepper flavoring.
Halawa applies modern manufacturing processes and hygienic production. Halawa pepper powder is made from selected ingredients with the right dose. Then it blends to create Halawa pepper powder has an aroma and flavor that makes each dish more delicious and special.
Halawa Pepper Powder is the best high-quality organic product. Pepper Powder is produced under the supervision of experts in the spice field. So that the dose is right, the processing method is also maintained for cleanliness and halalness.
Seasoned Flour

Halawa Seasoned Flour is an organic seasoned flour which has many useful contents. Halawa seasoned flour is made with the right mix of flour and natural spices. It produces fried food with a crispy texture and delicious aromas.
The Halawa Seasoned Flour production process is under the strict supervision of a team of experts. Since the beginning, we have targeted to produce foods that meet halal standards, as well as quality and management standards. The application of ISO 9000 standard management control is equipped with ISO 22000 standard as an international food safety standard.
By fulfilling these two standards, then Halawa seasoned flour is perfect as a healthy food that is rich in benefits.